i hope something here will make you smile.


We could be best friends, I know it.




all this time

the Sun never says

to the Earth,

"You owe me."


what happens

with a love like that.



the whole sky.


25 days of Christmas.
25 days of kindness.

I was inspired by somebody to try something new this year for Christmas. I think it's so easy to get caught up in selfishness around the holiday's & I just want to refresh myself with better deeds. Christmas is about giving, joy, & love. So, there's this longing in my heart that I feel I am lead to do this. With Christmas being my absolute favorite time of year & part of the spirit of giving, I can't think of a better time to do it.
I have decided starting December 1st, to celebrate the 25 days of Christmas as the 25 days of random acts of kindness. I think kindness has become a lost art.

"If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction."

Each day of December, I want to spread one (if not more) random act of kindness to a stranger I cross paths with. I am hoping each day will lead me to do something, but I am preparing a few things beforehand as well. Each day I want to post about the experience that comes of it. Stay continued to hear about it. I can't think of anything I'd rather do this Christmas. So excited.
Tis' the season! :)

Happy Giving!


Beautiful day, beautiful week, beautiful life.

I've been thinking about you more than usual today. Your phone number with your name is still in my phone. Sometimes I just want to call it...& hang up before the woman says "this number is no longer in service."
I remember that moment I first listened to your voicemail. Like it happened a few hours ago. Sitting on the beach in Florida, I dial my voicemail to hear you say, "Hello Michaela. I hope your having a beautiful day, beautiful week, beautiful life." You didn't have to tell me who was calling. I knew your distinctive voice. Although I lost that voicemail, I can replay it in my head. Everyday. I'll never forget it. Today it was on repeat.
You were calling me to ask if I would be in one your plays with you. That alone is a beautiful thought that makes me smile a different smile. Knowing that those were the times you outshined the world. & you wanted me to be a part.
Well, now you're with me all the time. I feel you around. Heaven only seems a vacation away. Thank you for letting me smile in thought of you, instead of tears. It's hard, I'm trying.
Missing you took my heart to a place I never knew could miss something so much. I love you.

All my love,
"Little One"


creatures of the common place.

There come these times, infrequently, that I develop this impulsive craving to stop everything I'm doing, open the door & run free as a bird in this open field as fast as I can. Free-spirited. I can't tell if I have dreamt of this place or an illustration I painted in my mind. It's as vacant as the ocean & greener than grass scattered across fields & fields & fields that you can't sustain beyond. There's nothing else. I am the only one. I am slightly running down a hill, to that point where you hardly even have control, it's guiding you through. I feel every inch of my body in motion. The only thing arresting my mind is freedom. Not sprinting from my catastrophies, for I created those effortlessly, rather immigrate to new beginnings. Yeah, that. I like the way that sounds. Fear becomes a foreign word. My arms are open wide & the breeze feels so good hitting my face & through my hair. Eyes wide shut. I never stop, I just wake up.

A little introduction to my most favoritest time of year...


heavy & overwhelmed heart flowing of words.

We're all in need of healing & redemption. Be still, there is a healing.

Set aside religion, church, business, etc. Tonight was nothing of that. Tonight what was I have been longing for. What stirs my heart. Tonight was strictly nothing but LOVE.

Gathering of friends, family, & new people. Different people & different ages, all coming together to share one common longing in everyone's heart. We're all in need of healing. All of us. Coming together in prayer not even informed of what's going on in someones life or their struggles but seeing a group of people being able to come together in peace... THAT MOVES ME.
It moves me to my core.
The simplicity of a hug. It's all around. They don't even realize the impact of their hand on my shoulder. An underlying matter.
It's reassuring. To remember that there is goodness left in this beautifully broken world.
It's not about putting your faith in the hands of your peers. Placing your faith in the hands of God, for he knows all. He knows how to love. & that will shine through your love for others.
Do more than exist.

The walls of my heart are glass,
& its your breath steaming up the windows,
your fingers writing poetry on my organs strung with lights
you are tracing me, you are shaping me
every word you write sounds like love
every word you whisper rhymes with free.


She did it anyway,

The best thing I've ever been told, which was a few weeks ago: "set it free."
& it's never been easier till now.
How beautiful is that.
Also, pay attention to your heart. It carries your instincts. & those are smart.

Stop counting every little detail & analyzing it in every way possible so you know how much sorrow to bring with you the next day. Just go ahead & run around in circles chasing your tail.

I'm not ready. Lessons are still being learned. My favorite part is that I realize that.

"People are often unreasonable & self-centered.
forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people might cheat you.
be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
be happy anyway. (& share it with them)
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have & it may never be enough.
give your best anyway."

Love the people around you.

Set it free.




one thing i can tell you is you've got to be free.
all the details you can find only caught between the syllables & breaths.
i recognize the smell of your skin like a sailor knows the sea.
feelings that dig their roots into your skin, can no longer be hidden in your veins, it shines right through those eyes.
on the threshold of something so sweet.
you have a way of opening my heart to places i don't want to unfold but when you do there is nothing like it.
let love in.
is there ever a perfect time?
it feels like a million exclamation points in my heart & one big question mark constantly on my mind.
i have a sea of flames in my stomach and i want to believe in this, in me, in you the way your eyes set on fire when you look at me and remember why the world spins and atoms collide because of fate.

i've never heard silence scream so loudly.

the promise of a new beginning.
the one who always says goodbye but never knows how to leave.
do not let your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserve and have never been able to reach. the world you desire can be won. it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours. touch the core of this world & make it smile.
you want to live in the now? this is our moment. we'll never step foot here again for this moment has already passed. & again. & again.
eat your words. there's ink on the corner of your mouth.
all we have is now.

wake up, the world needs your soul.
awake my soul.
we're all stories in the end.


I've never seen tables turn the way these tables have turned.



A blessing in disguise.

I just want to be there for you.
What little I have to give, I want to give to you.
It'd be nice if you'd let me try.

You know those people you meet. The kind of people that put so much color inside of your black&white world. You were one of those. You are one of those. You are loved more than you know.
All I know is that's enough to not let go.

Were all fighting some kind of battle. Don't you ever feel alone in this mass population. I can't promise you consistency, nobody can. I can't promise to tell you I know how you're feeling, because I don't. But I can promise to remain in your hand. Even when you push me away. Which is one thing I will NEVER understand. If I care about you, I will absolutely no questions asked, never ever force you out of my life. I want you there. Stay put. But not everyone is me, therefore I'm learning to except your ways. You're not the only one learning here. It's a learning process all around.

I know you're searching for a deeper meaning. To life, to the problems life places at your feet. Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Maybe there is an answer, maybe there isn't. Maybe the answer is so much more simple than the questions you're trying to reveal. Mouthwatering ambiguity.

All this pain & fighting will be useful to you one day. We've all fought for something at some point. A blessing in disguise. Everybody has problems. Everybody has bad times. Do we sacrafice all the good times for them? Somewhere between heartache & waiting comes a fraction of hope. It will take it's sweet time, but eventually it will build up into something called love. That, I am still trying to uncover. Love is everywhere. How do I know? Look at all the places I've found a heart. It's everywhere, trust me.

There is always always always something to be thankful for. When your heart speaks, take good notes. One truth in life that I was fortunate to master at a young age is simplicity is beautiful. The most insignificant things in this world have turned into the reason of my life. Find beauty in everything. It's there. Make a list of happy things. Anything that has ever brought a smile to your face. Your list should be endless. If it's not, look closer. It will do you wonders.

Darling, be patient. Getting lost helps you find yourself. We're all lost.

You were meant for amazing things. That I have no doubt in.
I've got this friend
I don't think you know him
He's not much for words
He's hidden his heart away

Oh I've got this friend
A loveless romantic
All that he really wants
Is someone to want him back

Ohh, if the right one came
If the right one came along
Ohh, If the right one came, along

I've got this friend
I don't think you know her
She sings a simple song
It sounds a lot like his

Oh I've got this friend
Holding onto her heart
(Like it's a little secret)
Like it's all she's got to give

Ohh, if the right one came
If the right one came along
Ohh, if the right one came, along

It'd be such a shame
If they never meet
She sounds lovely
He sounds right out of a dream
If only
If only
If only

Ohh, if the right one came
If the right one came along
Ohh, I've got this friend,
If the right one came along
Ohh, I've got this friend
If the right one came, along

I don't even have words for this one. What comes after amazing?

