i hope something here will make you smile.


i just wanted to document my day today. so i could go back and laugh at myself.

it started off with me setting my alarm an HOUR earlier than needed. so i get up and get ready. get in my new car (which is amazing and awesome and i'm a little obsessive about it) and drive to work, get to the parking lot and say outloud, "um where is everyone?" what day is it? are we open today? who am i??! dummy. i was there an hour early.
*while at work...
i'm cleaning a shampoo bowl, the towel gets stuck on the faucet handle, turns the water on and the hose shoots up and sprays across the salon. it happened so fast i'm not even sure what happened honestly. however, if jessica would have been at her station with a guest, i would have just cried and gone home. then i wouldn't have any more stories about the rest of my day. and to end it here, well that would just be normal or something. thankfully, i didnt spray any of the guests. the front of my dress and boots were soaked along with the chairs and floor.
**a few hours later...
i had to get a coke and water for some guests, ran to the back to get cups and ice (remind you that we don't have an automatice ice maker) i open the freezer door, get the ice tray, water EVERYWHERE. someone had just refilled it. once again, wet clothes.
after an eventful day, nothing better than subway :)
so i go to subway, get my sandwhich...sandwitch. i never knew how to spell that. go to get my drink. (they don't have any sweet tea made) losers. set my drink down. and.......ya surprise, spilled it. alll over my right boot. and the counter. i just left it. sorry.
and may i add, i was really hesitant to wear my boots because i didn't want to get anything on them. i told myself,

"oh i'll be careful!"
careful, what the hell is that? look where that got me.


oh and this isn't about spilling, but it's a nice little touch. you'll agree.
i was cutting this lady's hair today. COULDN'T keep my comb in my hand. dropped it on her. went to blowdry her hair, put the concentrater on the end of the blow dryer, turned it on, and it flew right off, and had to chase after that. i hope it didn't bounce off her head. poor lady. i mean, you would have thought i'd never done this before. if you know me at all, and are reading this, this is hilarious. and i'm exhausted after reading this.

hi, i'm a mess. nice to meet you.


Kinsey said...

This just MADE MY DAY! I was cracking up, sitting at my desk, in the quiet quiet office.

MAN, I miss living at home and getting to see my beloved seester in action :o)

p.s. it's sandwich

Megan said...

i love you.