but so far this week has been absolutely wonderful.
especially today.
lessons learned: (or maybe already knew, just refreshed)
i laugh WAY to loud. like i almost got in trouble for my laughter. i can't help it.
i love my job.
when people stare, just look back and smile and walk away. they are already weird enough to not get the hint that it's awkward.
have fun.
it would be more logical to walk across the street to panera than drive the 10 feet only to find there are no parking spots and end up parking even further away than the former walk would have been. (but it was really cold).
there's a definate reason for meeting anyone who falls into your life.
singing and dancing is a must when christmas music is playing at work. free entertainment to all.
Tell me where's that taking me?
Just a great figure 8 or a tiny infinity
LOVE is all around.
my dearest beautiful madre,
I know that times get rough and it’s annoying and all you can think about. But this is when you have to take a few steps back and look at the beautiful life you have to be thankful for. Things may not seem to go right sometimes. There are times when you think it NEVER will. I want this to be a reminder of how much your life is worth, because I don’t think you understand who you are.
First of all, wake up everyday and thank the Lord for giving you this day and another chance to live for it, because that alone is beautiful. God gave you this day and has a plan in set for you. When you think you are having a bad day, remember it’s in his work. It may not be easy, but HE KNOWS BEST. That is awesome! Maybe it will be the day you meet a man, maybe it won’t. Maybe something new will arise, maybe it wont. That’s the joy in waking up and living for Him. Let Him have control over it, leave it for Him.
He passed the most wonderful job by you, and look where you are. It wasn’t an easy road to get there, but look at all the people you met, friends made, and lessons learned through it all. Financial it has never been easy. You know how I feel about money. Money is worthless and stupid, and there is so much more. This world has made it such an issue, pay for what you can, and move on. Everything is so much better without it. So Get up each morning and do your best at it because after many prayers and love, he gave you this job knowing you will love it and succeed. And that you are.
Friends and Family. What a HUGE blessing. The people in your life help make your life what it is. You are not alone, and never will be. This one is hard for me to even fathom. Why I have so many loving, amazing people in my life, I don’t know! YOU are the first that I always am thankful for. He gave me a small family, but more love than I would have ever known could be. There are children, adults, lots of people out there with no family members, no friends. This makes me feel like my life is a piece of cake! I can’t even imagine what that would feel like. I am thankful that I don’t have to go through that. And I make sure that anyone that is passed through my life, doesn’t ever feel that way either. Everyone is in your life for a reason. Whether it was an hour of your life, or they have been there from day one, there is a reason. Let it be known. WE WERE MADE TO BE IN RELATIONSHIPS. Whether you are meant to be in another relationship with a man or not, remember all the other relationships you have. Please don’t ever feel like “yes, I have all these friends and family, but it’s not enough”. Whether you want them to be or not, they are MORE than enough. Please be thankful for the people you have, it could be no one. Every last friend counts. You are a daughter, a mother, a friend, and a child of God. Don’t let them slip away because you are so focused on being “in love”. Don’t give up, but remember the beautiful life you have to live and the people in it going along with the ride too. It’s such a weird and crazy life we live on earth. This isn’t it. There is so much more to look forward too! But for now, life is just way too short to be unhappy. Every moment of every day you spend unhappily, you will never ever get it back. Your smile is just too beautiful to not show the world.
you are surrounded by love, get through the fog, you'll see it.
If you think it’s not going your way, it’s because God has other plans for you. Follow him!!
Love always and forever,
Your Michaela

so i got off work a little late this evening and stopped on the way home to get a crappy dinner and take home. its rainy and cold and late and tiring. so i come home to a dark and quiet house. it was actually nice for a little bit after the day i had. i'm sitting there by myself eating dinner....(oh quick sidenote: i ABSOLUTELY CANNOT STAND, HATE when people eat ALONE. like my heart breaks into millions.) so i'm eating my wendys alone and just starring at my kitchen quietly going through my day. looking around, thinking wow, i really don't ever want my life to be this way. i can just picture myself in 10 years...going home to my lonely apartment after work, eating chicken nuggets, alone in my quiet home. living a boring routine life. (i hate routine.) sad. just a sad life to picture. and i know there are some out there living this way. i want someone to share my dinner with, talk about our day, someone to say "i love you" to before i go to bed (other than my wonderful mother...love you :)
as i'm beginning to think about living this life, i picked up my chicken nugget from wendys and looked down and it was the shape of a heart. i just had to smile. ironic maybe, but these are the little insignificant things that make my world...alright. it was like a little sign, YOU ARE LOVED. and i know that fully well. so thank you, it was a nice little reminder. no, i do not have a boyfriend, husband, fiance...a man really, but i have the Lord, my family and friends. and i'm am oh so grateful in more ways than imagined.
a tiny little nugget made this evolve from my head. this is where i over exaggerate and get completely overly excited.
so ya i totally am a believer in the
and you will never talk me out of it. it's just a part of me.