i hope something here will make you smile.


new. prepare, its a long one.

Well, first I must introduce the new love of my life:


I don't know how I ever lived without him.

He is my baby.

However, on the subject of fuzzy children,

we did have to say goodbye to our Madison.

She lived a long, happy 14 years & is missed

dearly. She is in a better place now & I still

think & talk to her often. She isn't suffering

anymore & that's the only way I can smile now.

I'm pretty sure she sent Squirrel to me.

Love you "Bunty".

I'm in another "in-between" stage in life. Least favorite place. But how else do you get from one place to the other. It always turns out fine :)

Looking to change a few things, hopefully soon! We'll see.

Ray Lamontagne is TOMORROW. IT IS GOING TO BE MIND BLOWING. details later.

I've had an off & on overwhelmed heart. No body warns you what it feels like to watch someone you've had in your heart move on without you. Everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a rea.......etc. Hindsight will always be 20/20. When I get there, I'll see it. Adele-Someone like you <-- made for me, I'm telling you.

After EVERYTHING though, I have forced myself into believing I don't want any of that. Marriage, relationships, love. & usually someone never has a problem reminding me why. But I think I still have a tiny bit of hope that I'll find it & be happy in it. But the other side is telling me I wasn't made to have that. I've made myself pretty independent, where do you even start? I'm still figuring that out.....or deciding if I want to..That's a long drawn out subject. Squirrel is the best company, love, better half I could ever have. So you'll have to beat that. Good luck.