i hope something here will make you smile.


Heart Day.

"Made him just for you. His name is Aj &

his heart is forever frozen in time with yours."

Reason 14 why Michaela is my love: She is always kind & loving in every situation :)

Reason 13 why Michaela is my love: She loves the snow almost as much as me ;)

Reason 12 why Michaela is my love: She thinks my nerdiness is sexy :)

Reason 11 why Michaela is my love: What can I say, I like the way your put together ;)

Reason 10 why Michaela is my love: She despises olives as much as I!

Reason 9 why Michaela is my love: She is the best at the tongue game. Yes I said it

Reason 8 why Michaela is my love: She snors oh so beautifully :)

Reason 7 why Michaela is my love: When I'm sick she will go out of her way just so I can have my Vicks fix :)

Reason 6 why Michaela is my love: She is making a collage out of hearts, which I think is super awesome!

Reason 5 why Michaela is my love: She has the biggest heart and is so beautiful inside & out

Reason 4 why Michaela is my love: She accepts me for my flaws & cares for me

unconditionally & that means more to me than she knows

Reason 3 why Michaela is my love: She is the only person who can finish my sentences :)

you're awesome babe

Reason 2 why Michaela is my love: She is my best friend :)

Reason 1 why Michaela is my love: Because I'm falling in love with you.

All day Valentine's day, I recieved text messages starting at about 7am until the evening when I saw him. I received a picture of my snowman before seeing it in person. BETTER THAN FLOWERS ANY DAY. That was the BEST thing he could have ever done. Ever. Love. All these reasons kept coming each hour but stopped after number 2. Number 1 was left to tell me in person after dinner. Which I cooked by the way. He works everyday cooking starting at 5am & doesn't stop until about 3 or 4pm. The least I could do was get out of my comfort place & make my way to the kitchen, in which I do not excel in. However, it was a surprising success!! I surprised him that evening & he couldn't have been more excited. He deserved every bit of it. So happy. After dinner he looked at me & says "Reason number 1, Michaela, is because I'm falling in love with you."

Ahhhhhhh. How, when, where, what, why, did he come from? Not sure, but he is for keeps. & I have never ever been happier. & Love is becoming a beautiful thing that I continue to learn about every day with him.

This was the BEST day I could have ever imagined. I don't know how I ended up where I am right at this moment but I wouldn't give a single piece of it away.

Happy heart.


There is nothing else like this feeling! Nothing.


one door closes, another one appears. out of nowhere..

It's so amazing when someone comes

into your life & you expect nothing out

of it but suddenly there right in front

of you is everything you ever need.

that's how it always happens. smiling. thankful.


We could be best friends, I know it.




all this time

the Sun never says

to the Earth,

"You owe me."


what happens

with a love like that.



the whole sky.


25 days of Christmas.
25 days of kindness.

I was inspired by somebody to try something new this year for Christmas. I think it's so easy to get caught up in selfishness around the holiday's & I just want to refresh myself with better deeds. Christmas is about giving, joy, & love. So, there's this longing in my heart that I feel I am lead to do this. With Christmas being my absolute favorite time of year & part of the spirit of giving, I can't think of a better time to do it.
I have decided starting December 1st, to celebrate the 25 days of Christmas as the 25 days of random acts of kindness. I think kindness has become a lost art.

"If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction."

Each day of December, I want to spread one (if not more) random act of kindness to a stranger I cross paths with. I am hoping each day will lead me to do something, but I am preparing a few things beforehand as well. Each day I want to post about the experience that comes of it. Stay continued to hear about it. I can't think of anything I'd rather do this Christmas. So excited.
Tis' the season! :)

Happy Giving!


Beautiful day, beautiful week, beautiful life.

I've been thinking about you more than usual today. Your phone number with your name is still in my phone. Sometimes I just want to call it...& hang up before the woman says "this number is no longer in service."
I remember that moment I first listened to your voicemail. Like it happened a few hours ago. Sitting on the beach in Florida, I dial my voicemail to hear you say, "Hello Michaela. I hope your having a beautiful day, beautiful week, beautiful life." You didn't have to tell me who was calling. I knew your distinctive voice. Although I lost that voicemail, I can replay it in my head. Everyday. I'll never forget it. Today it was on repeat.
You were calling me to ask if I would be in one your plays with you. That alone is a beautiful thought that makes me smile a different smile. Knowing that those were the times you outshined the world. & you wanted me to be a part.
Well, now you're with me all the time. I feel you around. Heaven only seems a vacation away. Thank you for letting me smile in thought of you, instead of tears. It's hard, I'm trying.
Missing you took my heart to a place I never knew could miss something so much. I love you.

All my love,
"Little One"


creatures of the common place.

There come these times, infrequently, that I develop this impulsive craving to stop everything I'm doing, open the door & run free as a bird in this open field as fast as I can. Free-spirited. I can't tell if I have dreamt of this place or an illustration I painted in my mind. It's as vacant as the ocean & greener than grass scattered across fields & fields & fields that you can't sustain beyond. There's nothing else. I am the only one. I am slightly running down a hill, to that point where you hardly even have control, it's guiding you through. I feel every inch of my body in motion. The only thing arresting my mind is freedom. Not sprinting from my catastrophies, for I created those effortlessly, rather immigrate to new beginnings. Yeah, that. I like the way that sounds. Fear becomes a foreign word. My arms are open wide & the breeze feels so good hitting my face & through my hair. Eyes wide shut. I never stop, I just wake up.

A little introduction to my most favoritest time of year...